1.   Along neighborhood streets nearby, some residents stood on their driveways to stare at the standing water preventing them from leaving their homes.

2.   An increase of this magnitude should be noticeable on neighborhood streets and in parks throughout the Valley.

3.   As you drive down your neighborhood street, take a look at the various abandoned lots and untended plants.

4.   After they proclaim programs, they must defend them on neighborhood streets.

5.   Daly is an ice cream truck coming down a neighborhood street, bells tinkling.

6.   Dump trucks rumble through neighborhood streets throughout the day, which residents say has caused structural damage to houses.

7.   During a campaign walk through neighborhood streets, Gore portrayed Bradley as a disloyal Democrat.

8.   For about a century, Atlanta Gas Light Co. made gas from coal at a plant just across the narrow neighborhood street from the church.

9.   Fuller domes could not be put together to make coherent cities any more than a dozen Dymaxion houses could be lined up to make a decent neighborhood street.

10.   Gandy pointed out that many neighborhood streets are wider than necessary, guaranteeing that cars will drive faster than necessary.

n. + street >>共 169
city 41.12%
side 22.46%
cobblestone 6.83%
village 3.62%
neighborhood 3.03%
dirt 2.14%
day 1.31%
week 1.01%
brick 0.83%
night 0.77%
neighborhood + n. >>共 658
resident 5.41%
group 5.21%
school 4.45%
kid 3.98%
child 3.58%
store 2.27%
association 2.27%
street 2.03%
activist 1.39%
restaurant 1.35%
每页显示:    共 51