1.   Because the total amount of this negative gravity in any given volume should be minuscule, its effects would go unfelt in everyday life.

2.   Modern physics, noted Dr. Paul Steinhardt, a theorist at Princeton, is replete with mysterious energy fields that would exhibit negative gravity.

3.   On one flight, Francisco made the plane go nose down, which created the same negative gravity environment that made Murrell float out of his seat.

4.   When the nose dropped, the cockpit experienced negative gravity, raising Murrell out of his seat because his lap belt was not tight.

a. + gravity >>共 131
low 6.64%
artificial 3.79%
normal 3.32%
lunar 2.84%
negative 1.90%
utmost 1.90%
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alone 1.42%
negative + n. >>共 671
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territory 3.75%
publicity 3.65%
reaction 2.99%
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news 2.12%
image 2.07%
growth 1.94%
comment 1.73%
gravity 0.06%
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