1.   And will the label have negative consequences for the person to whom it is applied?

2.   Each executive selected an episode that he wished to redesign so that it would not have negative consequences.

3.   If such labeling had some positive effects, it might be worth risking the negative consequences for those who are labeled abnormal.

4.   Lack of this awareness can have serious negative consequences.

5.   Workaholics, like those who are constantly drunk, suffer from a controlling habit, usually defined as compelling behavior despite negative consequences.

6.   Acting on generalizations about such matters as eye contact, personal space, touch, and interest in participation can have serious negative consequences.

7.   Another concern is that debt is piling up with negative consequences.

8.   Are there negative consequences for these types of behavior?

9.   Bad choices, however, tend to bring negative consequences immediately.

10.   Being in Washington, D.C., has had one more negative consequence for Pertierra.

a. + consequence >>共 493
serious 7.22%
unintended 6.14%
dire 5.47%
political 3.96%
possible 3.20%
disastrous 3.15%
economic 2.85%
long-term 2.48%
negative 2.21%
potential 1.86%
negative + n. >>共 671
effect 6.14%
impact 6.12%
territory 3.75%
publicity 3.65%
reaction 2.99%
ad 2.76%
news 2.12%
image 2.07%
growth 1.94%
comment 1.73%
consequence 1.32%
每页显示:    共 82