1.   Liver specimens were obtained by percutaneous needle biopsy with a Menghini needle.

2.   A needle biopsy showed it was cancer.

3.   Fine needle biopsies are one of the least intrusive diagnostic tests, but also ones in which the needle can miss the mass and fail to detect cancer cells.

4.   The needle biopsy was inconclusive, but the tumor was growing so quickly, she opted for a laparoscopic biopsy and the new thermal ablation treatment.

5.   The next morning, pathologist Mary Sidawy took needle biopsies from several places in the swollen lymph node.

6.   Using a technique known as needle biopsy, the pathologist, Smith, will take bore samples of tissue from the lungs of the six bodies.

7.   When a lump was discovered during a regular annual checkup, her doctor performed a needle biopsy.

8.   Needle biopsies are routinely done to detect breast cancer.

n. + biopsy >>共 35
brain 9.89%
needle 8.79%
skin 8.79%
muscle 7.69%
breast 6.59%
sentinel-node 5.49%
sentinel 4.40%
tissue 4.40%
thickness 4.40%
node 3.30%
needle + n. >>共 115
exchange 26.73%
program 13.81%
mark 4.80%
stick 3.90%
biopsy 2.40%
tip 2.10%
injection 1.50%
aspiration 1.20%
injury 1.20%
puncture 1.20%
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