1.   Most herbs need direct sun all day in order to thrive.

2.   And they need sun.

3.   All of us look as if we need a little sun.

4.   First, lilacs need full sun, at least eight hours each day.

5.   From November through March they need direct sun, but the rest of the year give them bright light, not sun.

6.   Hydrangeas will bloom in light shade, but they do need some sun in order to flower well.

7.   It needs the sun.

8.   Or do they need more sun?

9.   They also need abundant sun, a well-draining, organically enriched soil, and little or no pruning.

10.   There are plants that need constant sun, and those that thrive in the shade.

v. + sun >>共 155
block 5.74%
have 4.95%
see 4.95%
obscure 3.76%
need 3.17%
like 2.77%
enjoy 2.77%
prefer 2.38%
orbit 2.18%
follow 2.18%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
sun 0.07%
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