1.   Carry out any necessary repairs to the greenhouse, and repaint it if needed, in dry weather.

2.   Staff worked late into the night to make necessary repairs.

3.   The lessee has the right to expect the lessor to make all necessary repairs in a timely manner.

4.   A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.

5.   Please could you let me have a separate estimate for straightening this and doing any necessary repairs to the seat.

6.   Normally the police then trace the owner through registration documents and the garage offers to do any necessary repairs.

7.   DAD will arrange collection of the chairs and do any necessary repairs.

8.   Also check gutters and downspouts for leaks and make any necessary repairs.

9.   A conscientious, ethical mechanic may actually be providing a service to the customer by advising only necessary repairs or preventive actions.

a. + repair >>共 368
major 5.72%
home 4.22%
emergency 4.15%
extensive 3.57%
minor 3.29%
needed 2.86%
necessary 2.79%
free 2.79%
good 2.72%
temporary 1.50%
necessary + n. >>共 1202
step 4.82%
measure 2.01%
equipment 1.94%
information 1.83%
change 1.81%
condition 1.70%
skill 1.46%
permit 1.35%
if 1.35%
document 1.31%
repair 0.72%
每页显示:    共 39