1.   Ships sailing by in the darkness and fog identify their location by consulting the codes in their navigational guides.

2.   Still, it is clear that online simplicity remains so complicated that a few navigational guides are needed.

3.   The navigational guide arrived in the mail.

4.   Yahoo recently picked Inktomi to replace Alta Vista as the search engine underlying its navigational guide.

a. + guide >>共 619
local 3.32%
new 2.46%
spiritual 2.41%
comprehensive 1.83%
step-by-step 1.72%
reliable 1.72%
good 1.66%
useful 1.43%
fishing 1.32%
best 1.20%
navigational 0.23%
navigational + n. >>共 89
aid 10.87%
equipment 9.63%
system 9.01%
error 5.59%
tool 5.59%
device 4.97%
skill 3.73%
beacon 2.48%
datum 2.48%
marker 2.48%
guide 1.24%
每页显示:    共 4