1.   Current systems that rely heavily on land-based navigation beacons and radar tend to limit planes to fixed routes, which often result in longer trips.

2.   Never mind that the airport has no radar, no navigation beacons, no permanent runway lights and no snow-removal and de-icing equipment.

3.   Rose Island Lighthouse was once the navigation beacon for Newport Harbor.

4.   The plane was making the approach while a navigation beacon was out of service.

5.   The pilot had confirmed receiving directions to fly towards a navigation beacon at Falmouth, Ky., but then failed to respond to repeated calls from the ground.

6.   Navigation beacons, it claimed, are permanently out of service and instrument landing systems often do not work.

n. + beacon >>共 29
distress 26.04%
locator 20.83%
navigation 6.25%
satellite 6.25%
avalanche 4.17%
lighthouse 4.17%
locater 3.13%
rescue 3.13%
microwave 2.08%
millennium 2.08%
navigation + n. >>共 115
system 43.09%
equipment 6.82%
aid 3.16%
device 2.16%
instrument 2.00%
unit 1.83%
software 1.83%
bar 1.66%
error 1.33%
service 1.33%
beacon 1.00%
每页显示:    共 6