1.   A summer ritual became a demonstration of national resolve as visitors in shorts and sneakers gingerly approached the gleaming, white domed building once more.

2.   A summer ritual became a demonstration of national resolve this morning as visitors in shorts and sneakers gingerly approached the gleaming, white domed building once more.

3.   But if large-scale attacks should continue for years, national resolve would be sorely tested.

4.   In fact, most Americans doubt that Haiti is a real test case of their national resolve.

5.   Initial national resolve after disaster dissipates, she said, in a complex Washington routine of intense lobbying and artful procrastination.

6.   May our national resolve to defeat bin Laden and our arrayed terrorist enemies never weaken to the point that we would even consider such a proposition.

7.   Such is the national resolve in Armenia for retaining the enclave.

8.   There are other signs that the national resolve to cut waste is waning.

9.   Then the majority leader can make a waffle-free endorsement speech and deliver worried GOP swing votes to a Senate expression of national resolve.

10.   They strive to weaken the essential national resolve that the drug war must be fought with as many weapons and for as long as it takes.

a. + resolve >>共 145
new 10.61%
steely 5.45%
american 5.15%
national 3.33%
international 3.03%
western 3.03%
political 2.42%
great 2.12%
renewed 2.12%
firm 1.82%
national + n. >>共 884
security 5.88%
team 4.56%
championship 3.70%
television 2.42%
election 2.20%
holiday 2.00%
interest 1.40%
title 1.40%
unity 1.36%
champion 1.13%
resolve 0.02%
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