1.   As it stands today, our national pension system fails to take advantage of compounded growth.

2.   Also, many countries are converting national pension plans to privately funded systems, which require more of the management services State Street sells.

3.   But although it has played an important role in such issues as abortion and the national pension plan, it is widely considered irrelevant.

4.   But many individuals, mainly the self-employed, are not making their contributions to the national pension system because they no longer trust it.

5.   During his campaign, George W. Bush offered just such a proposal, becoming the first presidential candidate to propose so radical an alteration of the national pension system.

6.   Every Japanese worker is now required to join the national pension system, and some also join supplementary corporate plans.

7.   From this view, whether one considers bankruptcies, unemployment or funding for the national pension system, Japan is approaching a postwar low point.

8.   It could use its treasury fund, which would mean investing national pension funds in a risky venture.

9.   Just last December, just last December I signed a bill to strengthen our national pension benefit guarantee system.

10.   Japanese bonds were little changed once the benchmark government bond rose above yields that fund managers promised the national pension fund, prompting the funds to buy bonds.

a. + pension >>共 407
state 9.44%
private 8.44%
public 6.09%
traditional 2.60%
new 1.95%
domestic 1.90%
national 1.70%
corporate 1.65%
higher 1.65%
military 1.60%
national + n. >>共 884
security 5.88%
team 4.56%
championship 3.70%
television 2.42%
election 2.20%
holiday 2.00%
interest 1.40%
title 1.40%
unity 1.36%
champion 1.13%
pension 0.06%
每页显示:    共 34