1.   An English crowd loved a German tennis player in a way that few nations ever honor a foreign athlete.

2.   As this nation honors its laborers, the backbone of any civilization, a special salute must be made toward women.

3.   But most nations have honored a commitment to report all sales to a U.N. register.

4.   Health ministers in developing countries accused Washington of hypocrisy for insisting that poor nations honor patents while it bent the rules at home.

5.   The nation already has honored her with her own postage stamp.

6.   The U.S. pretty much draws the line at dead presidents, but European nations regularly honor novelists, philosophers, scientists and artists.

7.   They noted that US trade negotiators are quick to force foreign nations to honor US copyright laws, for example, but not to allow labor unions to exist.

8.   Developing countries say the United States and other industrial nations have not honored their commitments to help the rest of the world combat environmental destruction.

9.   Police carrying clubs patrolled capital streets decorated with Kenyan flags Monday to prevent anti-government protests as the nation honored its independence fighters.

10.   The economic moves came one day after President Fernando Henrique Cardoso sought to calm investors by pledging the nation would honor all its foreign debt obligations.

n. + honor >>共 300
government 6.27%
award 4.84%
company 2.28%
state 1.99%
nation 1.85%
ceremony 1.71%
leader 1.42%
committee 1.42%
fighter 1.42%
school 1.42%
nation + v. >>共 1094
be 13.29%
have 6.54%
agree 1.90%
need 1.88%
want 1.42%
take 1.35%
say 1.18%
join 1.07%
go 0.89%
make 0.88%
honor 0.14%
每页显示:    共 13