1.   Any nail holes that are not filled with another nail will soon disappear as the wood expands.

2.   Filling nail holes with toothpaste is dinking around the house.

3.   How can I fill the finish nail holes?

4.   If the nail holes are too big for the screw to hold, move the screw half an inch to one side or the other.

5.   It is not the same as wood filler used to fill nail holes.

6.   It was fir, and fine-looking, save for a thousand nail holes.

7.   Most amateurs fill the nail hole and the dent with wood putty, but the filler is difficult to conceal.

8.   Or, nail it if you predrill the nail hole.

9.   Predrill the nail holes to make driving nails easier, and to avoid jarring the rafter out of position.

10.   Q. Can I use glazing compound to fill nail holes in an interior plaster wall?

n. + hole >>共 325
bullet 32.74%
playoff 9.52%
ozone 3.81%
security 2.02%
punch 1.43%
shell 1.31%
shortstop 1.25%
nail 1.25%
rabbit 1.07%
drill 1.01%
nail + n. >>共 91
clipper 12.07%
head 11.38%
salon 9.31%
bomb 7.59%
hole 7.24%
gun 5.17%
point 3.79%
varnish 2.76%
biter 2.07%
art 1.72%
每页显示:    共 21