1.   I have a nagging sense of being unsatisfied with my behaviour, as though I was doing something morally wrong.

2.   Since the publication of the General Theory there had always been a nagging sense of unease at the treatment of prices in Keynesian macroeconomics.

3.   Beyond that, there lurks a nagging sense among some Britons that the cradle of the English language has nurtured offspring too powerful to be controlled.

4.   But Fugard said a nagging sense of his own mortality persuaded him to return his attention to the stories and issues that burn here.

5.   But initial admiration eventually gives way to a nagging sense that one is getting a gloss on the story rather than the story itself.

6.   But there was a nagging sense he should be doing more, and it should involve service to his country.

7.   For three days, a nagging sense of death had haunted the Rev. Jim Flanagan, a priest at St. Francis Seraph Church in the East Bottoms.

8.   In the decades after the Civil War, industrial prosperity left some Americans with too much money and a nagging sense of inferiority.

9.   In the end, they have Roger Clemens and we are left with our nagging sense of inferiority, which is, in effect, our sense of self.

10.   Kildare is more convincing after the intermission, but there remains a nagging sense that this production is all about great speeches.

a. + sense >>共 1386
good 7.00%
strong 3.57%
perfect 3.14%
false 2.50%
great 2.21%
economic 2.19%
growing 2.10%
real 1.85%
new 1.80%
keen 1.45%
nagging 0.20%
nagging + n. >>共 196
injury 19.43%
question 8.58%
problem 7.15%
doubt 6.20%
knee 2.62%
concern 2.15%
feeling 2.03%
pain 2.03%
groin 1.91%
sense 1.91%
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