1.   Although pain and dysphagia suggest the diagnosis of intramural haematoma, symptoms may be mistaken for an oesophageal perforation, a myocardial infarct, or a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

2.   A limited postmorten examination performed elsewhere found death due to a myocardial infarct.

3.   Russian officials did not say Yeltsin had suffered a heart attack, a condition known as a myocardial infarct.

4.   Dr. Alexandru Ciocalteu, the state secretary of the Health Ministry, said a detailed medical examination showed that Vasile had a myocardial infarct, or heart attack.

a. + infarct >>共 3
myocardial 66.67%
non 16.67%
subcortical 16.67%
myocardial + n. >>共 9
ischemia 44.83%
ischaemia 20.69%
infarct 13.79%
contusion 3.45%
hypokinesia 3.45%
necrosis 3.45%
reperfusion 3.45%
revascularisation 3.45%
work 3.45%
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