81.   In my book, I recommend three companies because they have low costs.

82.   In my book, it was a good God who created grits.

83.   In the case of my book, published a good year before URLs started showing up on dust jackets, that was a moot point.

84.   Instead, she stood on the ottoman, grumbling and yowling until I could no longer concentrate on my book.

85.   In those cases, the winner is the loser, in my book.

86.   Indeed, the film has earned a G rating from the Motion Picture Association of America but in my book deserves a PG for its troubling thematic elements.

87.   It beats Antarctica, in my book.

88.   It was weird that after my book came out, these two cases came back up.

89.   John Cassavetes read the book and called and asked me to do a movie of my book.

90.   Let me say that in my book, Alberto is doing NOTHING wrong.

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