1.   If it cannot muster the will to provide this public service, the Senate leadership ought to appoint a panel of independent experts to review the information.

2.   In fact, it takes him a while to muster the will to start playing detective again, after an on-the-job injury has left him paralyzed and suicidal.

3.   Only the exceptional owner can muster the will, the cash and, most of all, the vision to keep an urban backyard from deteriorating into littered hardpan.

4.   Politicians, however, have toyed with the concept before without mustering the will to do much about it.

5.   That will depend primarily on whether the Senate can muster the will and unity to censure the president after it acquits him.

6.   Yet democracies often have difficulty mustering the will to suppress secessionists.

7.   But we must muster the will to do what is necessary and be willing to endure hard times to make the future brighter.

8.   The basic question concerns whether the Summit of the Eight will be able to muster political will and solve problems when the situation worsens.

9.   The U.N. must now at last muster the will to behave decisively, defeat aggression and restore justice.

v. + will >>共 348
have 10.48%
impose 8.79%
update 4.47%
lose 2.93%
lack 2.71%
reflect 2.64%
write 1.98%
leave 1.68%
break 1.68%
make 1.61%
muster 0.66%
muster + n. >>共 170
support 22.70%
vote 15.63%
majority 7.07%
courage 5.10%
strength 3.29%
energy 2.47%
offense 2.30%
enthusiasm 1.64%
will 1.48%
opposition 1.15%
每页显示:    共 9