1.   A mustard vinaigrette adds bite and also unifies everything on the plate.

2.   Season and stir in mustard vinaigrette and chives.

3.   The salad became one of toasted nuts atop apples and endive with a honey mustard vinaigrette.

4.   Using a mustard vinaigrette and leaving it eggless goes a long way in reducing the fat from the traditional creamy-style stuff many of us grew up with.

a. + vinaigrette >>共 63
balsamic 13.04%
remaining 11.59%
light 4.35%
simple 4.35%
basic 3.62%
mustard 2.90%
raspberry 2.90%
standard 2.90%
wine 2.90%
mustardy 2.17%
mustard + n. >>共 52
seed 28.93%
green 10.66%
sauce 10.66%
mixture 5.08%
agent 4.06%
powder 3.55%
plant 3.05%
dressing 2.54%
field 2.03%
flavor 2.03%
vinaigrette 2.03%
每页显示:    共 4