1.   Do, in other words, what you must to survive.

2.   Eventually, baseball will find a new financial order because it must to survive.

3.   He knows that the coyotes are only doing what they must to survive.

4.   Now the Republicans are in power, and similarly burdened with radical notions that the party will not easily eliminate but ultimately must in order to survive.

5.   This being rural Missouri, the Parsonses do what they must to survive.

v. + survive >>共 102
be 15.49%
fight 8.41%
do 7.52%
merge 5.31%
battle 2.65%
need 2.65%
adapt 2.21%
have 2.21%
must 2.21%
steal 1.77%
must + v. >>共 63
do 6.38%
read 6.38%
survive 5.32%
become 4.26%
get 3.19%
decide 3.19%
be 3.19%
succeed 3.19%
prevent 2.13%
get_by 2.13%
每页显示:    共 5