1.   As Ted Thomas, one of the men, dives to the floor, the music stops and is replaced by a tape of loon calls.

2.   A two-time Mr. Olympia, he is favored to acquire a third bodybuilding championship once the music stops and the last drop of body oil has been smeared.

3.   But in one struggling neighborhood here, summer is never over until the music stops.

4.   But when the music stops, it bogs down in cliche and soap opera situations.

5.   So when a knock comes on a motel room door and the music stops, there is no need to apologize.

6.   The bartenders handle ice cubes as if they were breakable, and they keep the cash register closed until the music stops.

7.   The music stops, the dancers strike up a ballet classroom pose and take a deep breath, and each shakes a fist in the air.

8.   The smart executives may end up being those who sell their companies before the giddy music stops.

9.   What happens when the music stops is so sad, it may have you in tears.

10.   When the music stops in Kitchener, three clubs will have dropped out, with the other squads ready to dance with the Lords of the Rings.

n. + stop >>共 416
campaign 17.74%
traffic 12.42%
subway 6.35%
tour 4.21%
violence 2.76%
tourist 1.59%
heart 1.31%
transit 1.17%
music 1.04%
train 1.04%
music + n. >>共 810
industry 7.06%
director 5.71%
business 5.19%
fan 2.56%
lover 2.53%
festival 2.52%
company 2.40%
scene 2.12%
store 1.97%
critic 1.94%
stop 0.22%
每页显示:    共 15