1.   Once a week or so accordion music sounds will make feet itch under a canopy of stars in the tiny village square.

2.   And how will the music sound?

3.   All their music sounds alike, which is to say bad.

4.   But what does the music sound like without the influence of such individualistic American players?

5.   Conductor Charles Rosekrans makes even the unfamiliar music sound traditional, which is one form of capability.

6.   He can make the music sound bittersweet or buoyant with the pinch of his fingers, the thrust of his fist, the lowering of his palm.

7.   It also has an excellent wavetable synthesis audio card, which makes computerized music sound more realistic, and it includes a pair of powerful tower speakers.

8.   It can seem, at times, that they are making the music sound better than it is.

9.   It looks exactly the way techno music sounds, and it begs to be played at high volume in the dark.

10.   Levine makes this music sound both ingeniously compositional and discombobulating.

n. + sound >>共 511
surround 4.33%
vowel 1.62%
guitar 1.62%
quality 1.52%
music 1.41%
country 1.41%
string 1.41%
background 1.30%
engine 1.19%
speech 1.19%
music + n. >>共 810
industry 7.06%
director 5.71%
business 5.19%
fan 2.56%
lover 2.53%
festival 2.52%
company 2.40%
scene 2.12%
store 1.97%
critic 1.94%
sound 0.19%
每页显示:    共 13