1.   Folic acid is the form of folate present in multivitamin supplements.

2.   Folic acid is readily available over the counter and is also included in many multivitamin supplements.

3.   Good sources of folate include dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans and peas, orange juice, fortified whole-grain cereals and breads and multivitamin supplements.

4.   The extract also turns up in some potency enhancers and male-oriented multivitamin supplements.

5.   The researchers emphasized they were not warning women against multivitamin supplements, which are routinely prescribed during pregnancy.

6.   She said that between multivitamin supplements and fortified food, it is not difficult for women to attain vitamin A levels high enough to cause problems.

a. + supplement >>共 178
dietary 33.40%
nutritional 17.84%
herbal 5.50%
single 3.32%
special 2.39%
popular 1.66%
mineral 1.66%
over-the-counter 1.56%
contaminated 1.24%
muscle-building 1.14%
multivitamin 0.62%
multivitamin + n. >>共 3
supplement 46.15%
tablet 38.46%
pill 15.38%
每页显示:    共 6