1.   There was no evidence of mucosal prolapse in any anterior wall biopsy specimen.

2.   Analysis of the anterior wall biopsy specimens showed none of the characteristic histopathological features of mucosal prolapse.

3.   These include mucosal prolapse, pseudopyloric metaplasia, mucosal ischaemia, and granulomata.

4.   The pathological changes of mucosal prolapse deserve particular mention.

5.   A syndrome of anterior mucosal prolapse, so called anterior strip pouchitis, has been described with the characteristic pathological features of mucosal prolapse.

a. + prolapse >>共 3
mucosal 80.00%
anterior 10.00%
uterine 10.00%
mucosal + n. >>共 80
injury 9.89%
damage 8.42%
cell 7.33%
biopsy 5.86%
resistance 4.40%
surface 4.03%
concentration 3.30%
disease 2.93%
proliferation 2.93%
prolapse 2.93%
每页显示:    共 8