1.   Normal mucosal biopsy specimens from three different locations of the upper gastrointestinal tract were taken during endoscopy from six dyspeptic patients without demonstrated pathology.

2.   These patients were receiving no treatment at the time of mucosal biopsy.

3.   Six mucosal biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum and four from both the corpus and fundus of the stomach.

4.   In the gastric mucosal biopsy specimens a severe phlegmonous inflammation was found.

5.   In addition, mucosal biopsy specimens were taken from the greater curvature on well defined areas in the corpus and antrum as described elsewhere.

a. + biopsy >>共 85
liver 8.88%
endoscopic 6.25%
intestinal 5.92%
gastric 5.59%
mucosal 5.26%
small 4.61%
antral 4.28%
surgical 2.96%
duodenal 2.96%
colonic 2.63%
mucosal + n. >>共 80
injury 9.89%
damage 8.42%
cell 7.33%
biopsy 5.86%
resistance 4.40%
surface 4.03%
concentration 3.30%
disease 2.93%
proliferation 2.93%
prolapse 2.93%
每页显示:    共 16