1.   The idea of secular power in itself meant little before the propagandists of the eleventh-century papal reform mounted their assault on it.

2.   As president, he mounted an assault on the health-care establishment.

3.   He insisted, however, on mounting the assault his way, which meant combining heavy spending with guerrilla-training tactics.

4.   He made clear, however, that Bush is mounting an assault on taxes.

5.   In his two terms as mayor, Rudy Giuliani has mounted an assault on classic liberal assumptions about the causes and cures for urban ills.

6.   Kalashnikovs slung over their shoulders, three anti-Taliban forces from the Eastern Shura, which is centered on Jalalabad, mounted the assault on Tora Bora.

7.   Later Thursday, thousands of Israelis evacuated northern communities in the expectation that Hezbollah, the Party of God, would mount further assaults in reprisal.

8.   The budget plan passed by the House mounts an assault on scientific research, science training and American research universities that are the envy of the world.

9.   To mount another assault carries a built-in burden.

10.   When Cook turned down the overtures, Microsoft mounted an assault on the personal finance market, fielding a product called Money.

v. + assault >>共 227
launch 10.73%
continue 5.05%
lead 3.52%
stop 3.43%
begin 3.16%
report 2.71%
include 2.52%
commit 2.25%
plan 1.98%
mount 1.98%
mount + n. >>共 518
attack 8.36%
campaign 7.51%
challenge 3.84%
operation 3.50%
offensive 2.39%
defense 2.30%
comeback 2.05%
protest 2.00%
raid 1.83%
search 1.79%
assault 0.94%
每页显示:    共 22