1.   If he had, I and a lot of other folks would have stopped visiting the most tranquil and serene place in Long Beach. . .

2.   Islamabad, the capital, is one of the most tranquil cities in Asia.

3.   The campaign season was relatively free of violence and was seen by many as among the most tranquil in years.

4.   Varshney has compared some of the most riot-prone cities in India, including Ahmadabad and Hyderabad, with the most tranquil, Lucknow and Calcutta among them.

d. + tranquil >>共 50
more 22.29%
normally 13.38%
relatively 7.01%
otherwise 5.10%
fairly 3.18%
so 3.18%
most 2.55%
rather 2.55%
unusually 2.55%
generally 1.91%
most + a. >>共 1046
important 6.90%
popular 3.24%
recent 2.96%
likely 2.64%
common 2.04%
powerful 1.77%
serious 1.47%
successful 1.28%
difficult 1.22%
famous 1.17%
tranquil 0%
每页显示:    共 4