81.   And there was the sight, to my mind the most beautiful scene of winter, of evergreens encrusted in white against a dark sky.

82.   And the most beautiful thing was the fact that I could get out there.

83.   And yet, even in the later years of her life, she was one of the most beautiful women I ever met.

84.   And when you see some sun, Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.

85.   Antonio Banderas is one of the most beautiful men in the world.

86.   Anyway, the next night I drove over to her place, knocked on the door, and was met by her in the most beautiful little black dress.

87.   April is considered to be the most beautiful time to visit the arboretum.

88.   Another would choose the most beautiful women to take with them.

89.   As the Poussin is one of the most beautiful pictures ever painted, this is great company.

90.   At the risk of offending every dog lover who reads this, I think cats are the most beautiful animals in the world.

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