1.   Computer networking companies have been consolidating rapidly as the industry becomes more competitive and demand for products increases.

2.   Devaluation makes an enterprise more competitive by reducing its labour costs measured in foreign currency.

3.   Far more than the usual call for school reform to produce more competitive workers in the global economy.

4.   IBM is continuing to cut costs in an effort to be more competitive.

5.   It is good for staff, who can give of their best in a more competitive environment.

6.   The better-structured, more competitive farmers would be thrown to the wolves.

7.   The economy is now both more open and more competitive.

8.   The environment has become more competitive, she said, and lawyers are fighting harder for clients these days.

d. + competitive >>共 203
more 31.94%
highly 9.80%
less 9.69%
increasingly 5.25%
most 4.60%
very 4.22%
fiercely 3.55%
thus 3.22%
intensely 2.05%
abroad 1.79%
more + a. >>共 1086
likely 3.43%
important 3.08%
difficult 2.90%
expensive 2.29%
attractive 1.63%
serious 1.35%
efficient 1.18%
aggressive 1.04%
effective 0.98%
complicated 0.88%
competitive 0.81%
每页显示:    共 1331