1.   No doubt making such grand claims helps to sell more books and generate publicity.

2.   Meanwhile labour have promised more books, better schools and more qualified teachers.

3.   In schools, more books and other basic materials are needed.

4.   And contracts for more books are stacking up.

5.   Another change in the next century likely will be more books on demand, and more books published in smaller numbers for a niche audience.

6.   As the first titles began to fly off the racks, Tyndale obviously saw the advantages of adding more books.

7.   Books and books and more books have plenty of advice on stress relief.

8.   A dozen more books followed.

9.   After pointing out a display of Titanic-related books, I mentioned we had more books on the Titanic upstairs in our transportation section.

10.   But yes, you sell more books.

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