1.   He promised a moral renewal in political leadership and pledged himself to root out state corruption, to combat drug trafficking and to investigate human rights abuses.

2.   Dole called public education a top priority, but while she mentioned the need for academic reform, Dole also stressed a broader theme of moral renewal.

3.   It can be good, that is, if it provides the basis of personal accountability and moral renewal, he said.

4.   Perhaps we are no longer looking for moral renewal in the won-lost column, finding it instead in religion and politics.

5.   The dream that moral renewal would uplift humanity in the New World, however, was short-lived.

6.   Under these circumstances, the small-bore efforts at moral renewal by politicians like Lieberman and Coats are our last best hope.

7.   And it has called for moral renewal in a country where disobeying the authorities was an act of defiance against oppressive rule.

8.   In his parting words Sunday evening before returning to Rome, the pope said Croatia must be willing to make sacrifices and undergo a moral renewal.

9.   Nine centuries after Urban II, Pope John Paul II came Saturday to inspire support for his campaign of moral renewal.

10.   Roman Catholic bishops warned Thursday of a growing political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe and called for moral renewal and a fairer sharing of resources.

a. + renewal >>共 148
spiritual 11.69%
annual 6.15%
economic 3.69%
moral 3.38%
unconditional 2.77%
cultural 2.15%
automatic 2.15%
democratic 2.15%
indefinite 1.85%
downtown 1.85%
moral + n. >>共 945
support 5.69%
value 3.95%
authority 3.81%
issue 3.24%
victory 2.52%
obligation 2.35%
ground 1.80%
standard 1.78%
responsibility 1.73%
dilemma 1.57%
renewal 0.21%
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