1.   Overseas employees will be invited to save regular amounts each month for five years with local savings institutions.

2.   Her husband also started a retirement account, saving the same amount each month.

3.   HMOS, which try to reduce health care costs, usually pay doctors a flat, per-patient amount each month for providing services to members.

4.   Medicare pays that plan a fixed amount each month for your membership.

5.   Now, it plans to buy a larger amount each month.

6.   Retirees know they can count on a set amount each month on which to base their household expenditures.

7.   The minimum requires that a customer pay a set amount each month, regardless of how many calls they make.

8.   Analysts estimate the goods and services being traded each month amount to millions of dollars.

9.   Finance Minister Alekos Papadopoulos still refuses to give them the extra amount every month claiming the state does not have enough money.

10.   He said all employees ranging from manual workers to executives should attempt to set aside a certain amount every month.

n. + amount >>共 380
dollar 20.09%
trace 9.29%
loan 3.70%
settlement 2.65%
year 1.71%
investment 1.61%
rain 1.42%
bail 1.33%
month 1.23%
tax 0.95%
month + n. >>共 1278
time 4.18%
more 1.36%
meeting 1.13%
election 1.00%
report 0.82%
sale 0.74%
government 0.69%
hearing 0.69%
bill 0.67%
money 0.62%
amount 0.33%
每页显示:    共 13