1.   To date, such monitoring has not revealed any deleterious effects from the limited number of organisms which have been released.

2.   Constant monitoring reveals most of these problems, and then steps can be taken to fix them.

3.   Edelman, a diabetic who has worn the GlucoWatch several times, says continuous monitoring revealed that his blood levels fell dangerously low at night while he slept.

4.   Online monitoring can reveal subtle symptoms not normally detected unless the patient visits the doctor daily.

v. + reveal >>共 36
testing 20.31%
monitoring 6.25%
be 6.25%
reporting 6.25%
test 4.69%
have 3.13%
drilling 3.13%
monitor 3.13%
questioning 3.13%
sleuthing 3.13%
monitoring + v. >>共 54
be 37.06%
help 4.20%
show 3.50%
detect 2.80%
go 2.80%
require 2.80%
reveal 2.80%
begin 2.10%
allow 2.10%
include 2.10%
每页显示:    共 4