1.   Money can corrupt the political system through the power of PACs and the use of independent expenditure.

2.   Themes cover everything from the sorry state of the environment to how money corrupts on to how people are persecuted because of their appearance.

3.   -- Most people will continue to believe that federal elections are corrupted by money.

4.   Advocates of a ban say that soft money is corrupting politics by allowing deep-pocketed donors to buy influence in Congress.

5.   But in top-level racing, money corrupts such purity of heart.

6.   But such outsized salaries as those offered this week to Manny Ramirez and Alex Rodriquez corrupt the game in the same way that soft money corrupts the political process.

7.   Cynics tell us that money has completely corrupted our politics, that in the last election big corporations basically bought themselves a government that will serve their interests.

8.   Drug money still corrupts Colombia, but if drugs are ever legalized, it certainly would be the best place in Latin America to invest.

9.   Ginsburg, however, appeared unswayed, as she indicated that money corrupts politics.

10.   He also questions the proposition that money corrupts politics.

n. + corrupt >>共 76
money 16.78%
power 16.08%
donation 6.99%
government 2.80%
success 2.10%
cartel 1.40%
inefficiency 1.40%
contribution 1.40%
glitz 1.40%
bribery 1.40%
money + v. >>共 365
be 35.19%
go 9.92%
come 8.48%
help 2.46%
buy 2.08%
have 1.82%
pay 1.82%
flow 1.70%
change 1.12%
run 1.01%
corrupt 0.21%
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