41.   Commenting on the monetary crisis, PPP urged the government to accelerate its anticorruption and anticollusion campaign, ease liquidity and cut interest rates.

42.   De Tray also stressed the importance of the government to clearly accept the ongoing monetary crisis and recognize models for change to restore market confidence.

43.   Depari said advertising spending would have peaked during the Moslem fasting month of Ramadhan had it not been for the monetary crisis.

44.   Didik said the transportation and telecommunications sectors, which were indirectly influenced by the monetary crisis, would also slow down next year.

45.   Despite their hardships, farmers said they would continue to work the land because they did not have any alternative livelihood during the monetary crisis.

46.   Djoko said agribusiness commodities had good potentials for export to the U.S., especially during the monetary crisis.

47.   Djamaludin said that at least five timber firms in Central Kalimantan had asked the government for permission to dismiss employees because of financial problems caused by the monetary crisis.

48.   Do you have an alternative solution to the monetary crisis?

49.   Early next week at the APEC round tables, our Sir Galahad may be expected to joust over the currency issue to help avert a global monetary crisis.

50.   Electrical installation businesses have been hit hard by the monetary crisis because most of their equipment and components are still imported and paid in U.S. dollars.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
monetary + n. >>共 394
policy 38.38%
union 16.83%
authority 5.04%
crisis 4.37%
damage 3.33%
system 1.85%
fund 1.41%
official 1.31%
value 1.01%
stability 0.90%
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