1.   He created many fine moments, particularly the humorous dinner scene when Princess Korchagin tries every which way to seduce Dimitry.

2.   Hoopes has some fine moments.

3.   It had its fine moments, like the Diamond Project as a whole.

4.   Stozier and Ms. Hicken manage some fine moments, particularly in suggesting the warped, wicked complicity that still exists between the couple.

n. + fine >>共 191
traffic 6.03%
face 5.40%
works 4.76%
court 3.17%
work 2.86%
government 1.59%
club 1.59%
pay 1.59%
moment 1.27%
sound 1.27%
moment + n. >>共 349
at 6.08%
few 2.10%
light 2.10%
came 1.05%
right 1.05%
death 0.84%
opening 0.84%
thing 0.84%
silence 0.84%
fine 0.84%
每页显示:    共 4