1.   Lava erupted underwater cools very rapidly with a plastic skin forming around lumps of still molten material.

2.   The stripes were created when molten material called magma bubbled up to the surface and spread out as fresh crust.

3.   The water is then replaced with molten plastic material that later hardens.

4.   Those meteorites are igneous rocks, with little silica, and they congealed from molten material during the first billion years after the planet first formed.

a. + material >>共 922
nuclear 4.99%
radioactive 4.13%
building 4.10%
new 3.77%
hazardous 3.53%
genetic 2.61%
bomb-making 1.24%
explosive 1.07%
reading 1.07%
educational 1.05%
molten 0.04%
molten + n. >>共 78
rock 15.73%
lava 13.11%
metal 12.36%
glass 5.24%
iron 4.49%
steel 4.12%
core 3.75%
chocolate 2.25%
material 1.87%
salt 1.87%
每页显示:    共 5