1.   A plastic barrier sheet may help but it depends on how severe the moisture problem is.

2.   Allowing the fan to simply blow its air into the attic can cause moisture problems there, and failing to vent a fan outside violates most community building codes.

3.   Building maintenance officials decided to lower the temperature inside to help control a moisture problem that arose Saturday night.

4.   It normally indicates a moisture problem that needs correcting and may not be a serious problem if the basement is not getting wet or damp.

5.   Keep windows open, or put in an exhaust fan, and to avoid more moisture problems, vent that fan to the outdoors.

6.   Rainwater is the source of most leaks and moisture problems.

7.   Q. We have a great ski house in Vermont, and a great moisture problem, too.

8.   Serious moisture problems can occur if this is not done.

9.   The Air Force maintains that the GAO based its conclusions on old data and that any moisture problem is being solved.

10.   The plastic stops water vapor from coming up through the ground and into the crawl spce, where it could cause moisture problems.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
moisture 0.08%
moisture + n. >>共 84
content 18.83%
level 11.21%
problem 6.28%
stream 5.83%
loss 4.04%
barrier 2.24%
retention 2.24%
supply 2.24%
gathering 1.79%
attendant 1.79%
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