1.   A small craft advisory is in effect this afternoon for the Atlantic and Caribbean waters due to moderate swells from the northeast.

2.   A small craft advisory has been issued with moderate northwest swells expected across our region through Monday evening.

3.   As Iris moves north during the next two days...It will begin to generate moderate northeast swells that will affect our Atlantic coastal waters.

4.   Brisk northeasterly winds across the local Atlantic were producing very choppy seas and will continue to combine with moderate northwesterly swells today to produce rough seas.

5.   Coastal seas will remain slight to moderate through Tuesday, with moderate northwesterly swells from an Atlantic gale center expected to arrive here by midweek.

6.   Friday night through Monday ... Moderate northeast swells will continue across Atlantic waters and Anegada Passage through Saturday night.

7.   However, moderate northwest swells behind a stalled cold front over the western atlantic will increase our atlantic seas beginning tomorrow.

8.   However, moderate swells from the north will keep Atlantic coastal seas near normal heights.

9.   Increasing winds across the local coastal waters combined with moderate northwest swells will make for rough seas tonight.

10.   Large to moderate northwesterly swells across Atlantic waters to diminish slightly this afternoon.

a. + swell >>共 137
northeast 12.85%
moderate 11.52%
large 11.35%
northwest 8.01%
northerly 5.68%
small 4.67%
heavy 2.67%
high 2.67%
northeasterly 2.17%
increasing 2.17%
moderate + n. >>共 795
earthquake 5.71%
leader 4.18%
growth 3.97%
party 2.26%
heat 2.15%
gain 1.80%
politician 1.80%
wind 1.68%
voter 1.41%
nationalist 1.37%
swell 1.33%
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