1. Press the mixture onto the bread and bake in a hot oven for ten minutes. 2. Spoon the mixture onto the top of the cake and spread it evenly. 3. Divide crab mixture onto muffin halves. 4. Drop teaspoonfuls of mixture onto greased and floured cookie sheet. 5. Drop slightly rounded measuring teaspoonsful of the mixture onto the lined sheet. 6. Drop mixture onto an ungreased baking sheet, one heaping tablespoon per cake. 7. He then painted this inklike mixture onto electrodes in specially designed microfabricated circuits. 8. Immediately pour mixture onto parchment-lined sheet and spread to corners and edges with a metal spatula. 9. Jacques suggests using one spoon to scoop and another to scrape the scooped mixture onto the baking sheet. 10. Pour mixture onto well-floured board. |