1.   I always checked wheelchairs for false bottoms to hide missing limbs.

2.   Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental disorders caused by the stress of combat are as common as missing limbs or bad backs.

3.   Experts are going to reattach the missing limbs, and the damage is expected not to be noticeable.

4.   He contrasted this luxury with the beggars in the market, whose missing limbs were a sad reminder of the land mines from a more recent era.

5.   He knew that the missing limb often caused the general, Radislav Krstic, powerful phantom pains.

6.   Herr thinks it may someday be possible to replace missing limbs with artificial skeletons powered by bioengineered muscle and hooked into the nervous system.

7.   How is it that a bullet wound or a missing limb suffered in battle is a badge of honor but rape is a reproach?

8.   In southern Africa, Mozambique and Angola have hundreds of thousands of unexploded land mines in their soil, and thousands of children are missing limbs because of them.

9.   Many of the rest are missing limbs.

10.   News reports from Alkhan-Kala described wounded rebels, some missing limbs, lying in blood-soaked snow.

a. + limb >>共 274
artificial 13.22%
broken 8.38%
missing 4.06%
severed 3.53%
lower 3.27%
prosthetic 3.01%
long 1.70%
upper 1.70%
phantom 1.57%
deformed 1.31%
missing + n. >>共 980
person 6.70%
people 5.52%
child 4.21%
man 4.16%
soldier 2.08%
piece 2.04%
woman 1.51%
pilot 1.42%
relative 1.40%
one 1.29%
limb 0.68%
每页显示:    共 31