1.   Although it has not been used for several years for missile launches, it has been preserved as a museum.

2.   American spy satellites have the capability of detecting such missile launches and tracking their trajectory.

3.   Another accord would also set up a Moscow-based center where the United States and Russia would exchange information on missile launches.

4.   Another offer is to share early warning data on missile launches.

5.   At the hearing, Congress also disclosed that the Justice Department has begun an investigation of a second failed China missile launch that also involved an American satellite.

6.   A quid pro quo on missile launches was proposed by Kim in July to President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

7.   But he says he will never abide missile launches.

8.   But missile launches themselves are not a violation of the nuclear agreement.

9.   During the Cold War, U.S. satellites watched for Soviet missile launches, a sign that the United States might soon be under nuclear attack.

10.   Fifty-nine minutes after takeoff, Defense Department satellites used to track missile launches around the world picked up a bright flash off the Atlantic Coast of Africa.

n. + launch >>共 131
missile 18.44%
satellite 11.25%
test 8.13%
rocket 7.03%
product 6.88%
euro 4.69%
space 4.53%
shuttle 4.38%
police 2.66%
boat 1.88%
missile + n. >>共 371
defense 13.66%
system 11.62%
attack 10.25%
test 7.34%
technology 5.40%
strike 4.62%
program 3.52%
shield 3.17%
site 2.26%
launch 1.72%
每页显示:    共 117