1.   And though men could show war scars or missing limbs, rape was invisible and often accepted as a part of military looting, she said.

2.   According to news reports, some of the bodies were missing limbs, and others had nails driven into their skulls.

3.   In southern Africa, Mozambique, and Angola have hundreds of thousands of unexploded land mines in their soil, and thousands of children missing limbs because of them.

4.   Most were bomb victims missing limbs or punctured by shrapnel, said Aman Ullah, a social worker for Muslim Hands International, an aid group.

5.   The most common deformity has been an extra limb, but other malformations are also being noted, such as missing eyes, missing limbs and retained tails.

6.   After his talk, he walked among the AIDS victims and lepers, some in wheelchairs, some missing limbs.

7.   Bodies, missing limbs and wailing women lay around Kamissa.

8.   Most of the victims had missing limbs and their intestines had been ripped out.

9.   Most of the victims had missing limbs and their intestines had been torn out.

10.   Most of the bodies appeared to be identifiable, although many had missing limbs.

v. + limb >>共 193
lose 11.61%
amputate 6.10%
have 4.13%
move 3.35%
sever 2.76%
suffer 2.76%
break 2.36%
miss 2.17%
tear 2.17%
blow 1.57%
miss + n. >>共 724
game 13.04%
cut 3.99%
chance 3.67%
point 3.52%
opportunity 3.06%
practice 2.37%
target 2.36%
shot 2.33%
playoff 2.17%
deadline 1.64%
limb 0.08%
每页显示:    共 11