1.   Albright missed a header, Ben Olsen was wide left, Frankie Hejduk misplayed a Donovan backheel.

2.   The strategy was successful, but only because Spanish striker Emilio Butragueno barely missed a header for Celaya late in the second game of the series.

3.   Bologna, playing a mostly defensive match, scored first when Zauli rushed into the Juventus penalty area when veteran defender Ciro Ferrara missed a header.

4.   Christian Karembeu got an unexpected opening when a rebound ball dropped into the Dortmund area, but he missed his header.

5.   For Caminero, who had been badly shaken in the first half after narrowly missing a header, the goal was his third of the year.

6.   McBride missed four headers, three in the first half, from in front of the net.

7.   Morrision, a first-division player for Crystal Palace, picked up where he left off and narrowly missed a header early in the second half.

8.   Schmeichel even joined his outfield players for a corner in the final minute but complete missed his header and Cantona fired the follow-up effort too high.

v. + header >>共 113
power 5.96%
save 4.68%
glance 4.68%
send 4.26%
miss 3.40%
clear 2.98%
do 2.55%
put 2.13%
take 2.13%
turn 1.70%
miss + n. >>共 724
game 13.04%
cut 3.99%
chance 3.67%
point 3.52%
opportunity 3.06%
practice 2.37%
target 2.36%
shot 2.33%
playoff 2.17%
deadline 1.64%
header 0.06%
每页显示:    共 8