1.   Even outside a nuclear weapon it is a highly dangerous substance - fatal to humans if ingested in even minute quantities.

2.   The rock contains minute quantities of copper.

3.   These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception.

4.   Apply the oil in minute quantities with a piece of bent wire.

5.   But OSHA officials explained that laboratories tended to use many different chemicals, often in minute quantities.

6.   But soon they learned that minute quantities of virus were recombination competent.

7.   Moisture cure urethanes cure as they absorb minute quantities of moisture from the air.

8.   The most questionable regulations tend to be those controlling minute quantities of toxic emissions, some of which cost billions of dollars for each life assumed to be saved.

9.   These chemicals, they say, mimic natural hormones like estrogen and even in minute quantities can disrupt vital processes like fertility and fetal development.

10.   Using a process called polymerase chain reaction, scientists can amplify even minute quantities of genetic material.

a. + quantity >>共 255
large 33.09%
small 12.10%
huge 4.87%
limited 4.61%
unknown 4.02%
vast 3.47%
larger 2.14%
sufficient 1.55%
great 1.55%
greater 1.44%
minute 0.44%
minute + n. >>共 258
detail 11.84%
amount 8.88%
lead 4.77%
particle 3.45%
trace 2.80%
mark 2.47%
quantity 1.97%
penalty 1.97%
goal 1.97%
change 1.81%
每页显示:    共 12