1.   Though traditionally weak, the justice ministry oversees prisons, legal education and propaganda and regulates the legal profession.

2.   Culture and Social Services ministry oversees sports in the East African nation.

3.   Demonstrators took special aim at Labor Minister Elisabeth Guigou because her ministry oversees the Health Ministry.

4.   Education Minister Sukavich Rangsitphol, whose ministry oversees sports, told the press he appointed a new secretary-general to speed up preparations.

5.   Hassan el-Alfy, whose ministry oversees elections, said committees that have been set up by some civic organizations to monitor the vote are illegal.

6.   His son, Elias Murr, is the current interior minister, a position that bars him from running because his ministry oversees balloting.

7.   Information ministries oversee state media policy, and the ministers often act as the government spokesman.

8.   Sharon, whose powerful infrastructures ministry oversees the land administration, arranged for Ateret Cohanim to maintain a presence on the site.

9.   Snoh did not name the minister, but Somsak came out to deny the allegation because his ministry oversees the sugar industry.

10.   The ministry oversees a center where Tong works as a researcher into aging.

n. + oversee >>共 199
government 6.28%
agency 6.28%
committee 4.93%
commission 3.74%
department 3.74%
board 3.14%
monitor 2.99%
ministry 2.99%
office 2.84%
force 2.39%
ministry + v. >>共 628
say 40.69%
be 3.96%
announce 2.35%
have 2.17%
deny 1.47%
confirm 1.41%
refuse 1.40%
decline 1.14%
give 1.08%
plan 1.07%
oversee 0.24%
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