1.   He and colleagues in Israel have discovered a naturally- occurring compound within the body which mimics the effects of cannabis on the brain.

2.   Any extra females hormones -- or chemicals that mimic their effects -- during this time could disrupt normal development.

3.   A local anesthetic temporarily puts one half of the brain to sleep, mimicking the effect of cutting out the suspect lobe.

4.   But that drug, whose main ingredient is the herb ephedra, is unrelated to the synthetic MDMA, although some users say it mimics the effects of Ecstasy.

5.   Drs. Mitchell Harman and Marc Blackman of Johns Hopkins are now conducting a large study to see whether growth hormone and testosterone can mimic the effects of exercise.

6.   Drug companies are already trying to develop weight-loss drugs that would work by mimicking the effects of urocortin or elevating its levels in the brain.

7.   Gender-bending chemicals that mimic the effect of estrogen are common in sunscreens, warns a team of Swiss researchers.

8.   Many common pollutants, including some PCBS, also mimic the effect of estrogen.

9.   Nicotine mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

10.   Patients could be given injections of a substance which mimics the effects of Gol-like proteins, causing the bugs to self-destruct.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
mimic 0.20%
mimic + n. >>共 322
effect 3.90%
movement 2.60%
way 2.42%
action 2.23%
performance 2.23%
behavior 1.86%
hormone 1.86%
index 1.67%
sound 1.67%
style 1.49%
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