1.   This led to a military standoff between French and American troops and a bitter rebuke from President Truman.

2.   He was exiled to Western Europe after the tense military standoff on the streets in which he tried seize power from his brother.

3.   If Washington were still locked in an uneasy military standoff with the Soviet Union, there might be a strong case for national sacrifice.

4.   Rumsfeld said on his way here from visiting Gulf Arab nations that the six-month-old military standoff in South Asia appeared to be leveling off.

5.   So far, however, the result of all the bluster was a military standoff.

6.   The most volatile issue the president addressed, a military standoff with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir, persists along the border.

7.   A flotilla of South Korean destroyers, frigates and other combat ships blockaded the contested border, the scene of a nine-day military standoff.

8.   A U.S. official arrived Tuesday for talks on the military standoff between nuclear-armed neighbors India and Pakistan and the global fight against terrorism.

9.   But a failed coup has degenerated into a military standoff in the capital and plunged Guinea-Bissau back into darkness.

10.   But the military standoff along the Demilitarized Zone that separates the two countries remains intact.

a. + standoff >>共 184
tense 18.23%
political 6.28%
armed 4.33%
latest 4.33%
nuclear 4.12%
current 3.91%
military 3.50%
long 3.09%
diplomatic 2.57%
church 1.54%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
standoff 0.04%
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