1.   Among the concerns was that the team did not include a military specialist, which Annan appeared to address by announcing additional staff to help the team on Monday.

2.   As Yugoslavia disintegrated with a war, first in Slovenia and then in Croatia and Bosnia, Kosovo was viewed by diplomats and military specialists as the ultimate flashpoint.

3.   Besides, the kind of widespread support during the Gulf War would not be needed this time, according to military specialists.

4.   Accompanying the equipment are hundreds of Russian instructors and advisers, military specialists say.

5.   But military specialists said administrations typically tighten the flow of information during wartime, and should be expected to do so under the current situation.

6.   Fearing contamination, military specialists joined federal and local law-enforcement officials, who arrested the men late Wednesday at a medical office in suburban Henderson.

7.   Military specialists say Hussein has continued his weapons buildup, particularly now that he has increased revenue from smuggled oil.

8.   One military specialist questioned the use of Spanish-language advertising as a recruiting technique.

9.   President Clinton ordered teams of FBI agents, medical military specialists and explosives experts to leave immediately for Africa to track down the bombers and aid the victims.

10.   Scott L. Silliman, a military specialist at Duke University Law School, said that one way to improve the rules would be to include a review by judges.

a. + specialist >>共 544
medical 7.31%
defensive 3.91%
legal 3.51%
forensic 3.45%
back 2.53%
return 1.96%
military 1.90%
marketing 1.67%
russian 1.44%
financial 1.38%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
specialist 0.04%
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