1.   Moreover, Domenici has yet to prove he can beat back right-wing efforts to cut high-income taxes now and give the military more.

2.   Earlier this month, he said that he also wants to increase payments to servicemen, boost financing for military housing and make the Russian military more transparent.

3.   Earlier this month, Putin said that he also wants to increase payments to servicemen, boost financing for military housing and make the Russian military more transparent.

4.   He promised to make the military more open to public scrutiny, including allowing soldiers to speak out more often without facing reprimand.

5.   Leaders have promised the military more funding to upgrade weaponry and protect China from foreign bullying.

6.   Putin said Monday that he also wants to increase payments to servicemen, boost financing for military housing and make the Russian military more transparent.

7.   While he studies the missile defense issue, Bush is moving swiftly to deliver on his campaign pledge to pay members of the military more.

a. + more >>共 367
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military + n. >>共 632
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