1.   At some levels, each interview reignites the pain as they retouch their grief, their growing distrust of military justice and their current activism.

2.   A chief of staff then undermined military justice at a Senate hearing by all but ordering a court-martial to convict her.

3.   A jury was empaneled anyway, because under the military justice system, the defendant can choose whether to be sentenced by a judge or a jury.

4.   A resort to military justice, without even the safeguards of courts martial, will ill serve that larger end.

5.   A year earlier Widnall faced a controversial military justice issue involving a Persian Gulf War hero.

6.   But the military refused to cooperate, saying that if the officers were deposed it would do irreparable damage to the code of military justice.

7.   Civilian lawyers who specialize in military justice said Thursday that they did not know the identity of the offi- cer accused by Kennedy.

8.   His only link was a faded copy of his court-martial judgment, a study in sloppy military justice.

9.   I wanted to speak out about military justice and that it needs reforms.

10.   In addition, the military justice system is responsible for protecting civilians victimized by members of the military.

a. + justice >>共 529
social 11.89%
juvenile 6.24%
the 4.62%
former 3.86%
state 2.62%
american 2.34%
military 2.34%
racial 2.24%
new 2.00%
international 1.59%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
justice 0.08%
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