1.   Also in this issue, writer Paul Alexander reveals how George W. Bush skirted the military draft with help from his father.

2.   Among other things, the changes would transfer the power to levy taxes from the executive to the legislature, prohibit the military draft and guarantee property rights.

3.   Boyd noted that Yale was one of the first universities to reimburse students who lost their aid for resisting the military draft in the Vietnam War.

4.   After the suspension of the military draft in the Nixon administration, state enforcement of mandatory physical education laws began to slack off.

5.   But a background check revealed Garcia had been accused of dodging the Cuban military draft.

6.   But an Alamo visit by Clinton, who avoided the military draft during the Vietnam War, is raising some hackles among Republicans who question his character and integrity.

7.   But many others, like Maria Gutierrez, remember the long lines for rationed food, the years of war and the military draft.

8.   During the Vietnam War, he helped file a case that contended that the military draft was unconstitutional because it excluded women.

9.   Finally, with the military draft ended, the public school system is one of the remaining places for large-scale inculcation of values.

10.   He and Barbara counseled college students about everything from unplanned pregnancies to accepting or resisting the military draft.

a. + draft >>共 460
first 9.79%
final 6.62%
top 4.86%
new 4.65%
high 3.53%
rough 2.81%
early 2.65%
military 2.57%
amateur 2.17%
earlier 2.09%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
draft 0.08%
每页显示:    共 64